Kritter Kreche



At this time Minding services are for the Huon Valley area only. Daily rate (not including food):
$40 per day – includes 30-minute walk for dogs
$10 each additional pet
House Sits will be considered. Please contact to discuss
There are minor additional costs if medical treatments are required
Additional Service
Doggy Day Care
             $30 per dog


$50 per day ($10 per additional dog)
$20 per day ($10 per additional per cat)
$15 per day ($5 per additional per rabbit)
Note – Due to the high rate of Calici Virus in rabbits in Tasmania, it is a requirement that all rabbits are vaccinated against both strains of the virus at least two weeks prior to boarding. A certificate will need to be sighted as I need to be assured that they are vaccinated. The vaccines are now far more effective (as at May 2022) and they do not cost too much …. your rabbit will thank you! I encourage every owner to get their rabbits vaccinated and I am happy to provide further advice on this if needed. All cats and dogs are required to be fully vaccinated


These services include pick up/drop off to the airport or to Kritter Kreche Boarding facilities in Geeveston. These services are provided at a competitive price.

If required, Kritter Kreche can provide pet carriers.

Note – Transporting services are for Huon Valley residents only at this time. Consideration will be given to other areas on a case by case basis.

Please contact Kritter Krecehe directly for pricing as each situation can be very different.

0458 707 057

Life Is Great, Pets Make It Better.

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